Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I was looking up stuff about the San Gabriel Valley and the movie Shopping For Fangs came up. Apparently it's set there! Weird. I saw that in Seattle when I was in college and loved it! I talked to one of the guys who made it. I asked where they find their actors. He said, almost apolegetically, "usually a talent agency." Ha ha...I miss being so young and naive...Oh also I asked if it would be possible to get it on video and he kind of laughed as if it were just about impossible for that to happen. Not anymore! Just think how easy it is to get so much stuff now. I wonder what I'd think if I saw it again now...

Unbelievable rigamaroll over stolen paychecks. I can't believe how many people I've been directed to talk to, call, etc. and still no results. Look, I really don't appreciate being given the runaround. Stealing my paychecks is FRAUD. It's not like I just walked into a restaurant and let cash fall out of my pocket.

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