Thursday, May 20, 2010

In head...

Little Earthquakes
In a bookstore I once trained in and revisited recently, I understood the "Rag and Bone" of "Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart" to be about relics after I saw a book by that name in the religion section, and I thought of Isabella Clara Eugenia knocking one over and normally Philip II, kind and loving (to his daughter) became furious, it's a sort of image I have in my head, not from ever reading such a thing though, and then the poem book opened to this Thoreau poem...Somewhat seperate is to remember the older couple who came in a few years ago and seemed quite nice and amused by me, the opposite of a group of fearful bullies, especially after I mentioned why I saw Los Alamos as a kid. "Thanks for sharing the joy with us!" I was pretty sure General Joy was radiating out of their pores. Maybe not even unconciously either.

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