Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Day's events: Evil beagle defaced my pretty woodburned gold paint Matrushka doll! However the hell you spell that. My super activist friend posted a picture of herself with the DC mayor. She's frowning and he's smiling with an arm around her. Ha ha. It is too funny. My friend who wrote She Played Elvis is figuring out how to sell her book in the states.
My bellisimo friend on another coast had "surprisingly feminist dreams" last night, which he told me about. We also dissected my dream, which signified some kind of job-related anxiety, which then reminded me of a seemingly small incident, in which I had tried and failed to obtain a certain opportunity. It was as if I'd simply bottled it up inside of me and after talking about it I began to let it go a bit more and after a long while I uncovered a little creature of hopefulness that had existed at one time, who had for various reasons felt totally crushed, and some of that old anxiety dissipated, and I could allow myself to feel hopeful again!
Oh and I played the Jackie's Strength remixes CD and got the Father Lucifer Sylkscreen Remix in my head. I was combing my hair at a stop light and looked over to see people at the busstop looking and (I think) listening!

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