Thursday, October 19, 2017

Waking early

I am up early but I am really happy that I am not suffering from intense physical pain as I was before. Maybe all the care I took with my body yesterday made a difference. I hope so! I am proud of myself for making better decisions and taking better care of myself yesterday, and I vow to continue to do so. I truly value getting my health back.

On an emotional level, it still kinda breaks my heart to realize some people would have treated me better in this life if I had been born in a different body (a male one).

That guy would have trusted me more and treated me better if we were both guys. That girl would have valued my opinion more if I were a man.

Because I am not the gender he's been taught to respect more, he was, perhaps without intending it, more dismissive and disrespectful. Because I am not the gender she's been taught to respect more, she tuned me out in order to fit in and go along with others.

It would be really great to see some people making much better choices in the future.

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