Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Something more beautiful

Beauty beauty beauty

Love love love

I am sorry to complain but I met some people who had the capability to be better. They chose to be uncaring. They chose money over care of the earth. I felt very let down. I hope they will choose better. As I need to, because this is the body I live in, and it gets ill more easily when exposed to toxins. How can you choose toxins for money? This body cries at me. I am sorry about all the times I didn't listen enough to my body. People do not know what they do sometimes. I ate cheaply.

Like being allergic to peanuts.

After the grief  (you were a child once, full of joy and light and intuition and beauty, can't you choose to be yourself again?) I will ask higher powers, energies, beings of light to help me make better choices.

So my fate is not to be dragged down by the actions or inactions of others. So I don't let their choices or behavior depress me and then get ill, either from stress or diet or money issues or anger or fear or sorrow.

To get back to a better place (swimming in warm water, seeing happy children learn to swin).

God/Goddess knows more.

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