Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Lessony day

Sometimes you gotta wait til you're well enough to wash the medicine dropper off in the sink.

Thank  you for giving me "a day off" although in this moment it feels like a lot of work to manage pain and symptoms.  What can I do today to make my body healthier and easier to live in? I deserve a better life than this.

Not having kids in this current state. At this time, this body is the kid. The cat is the other one. I would need a lot of help to do more. I would need to hire a nanny. Either a dad or a mom. I would be saying "it takes a village..."

Its time to chew ginger and put on the heating pad and take essences and pray. I took vitamins earlier, and when I can get out of bed I will be much healthier than I was yesterday.

I even had a dream about making vegan food.

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