Monday, September 18, 2017

What dreams may say

I need to look at the books about angels, compassion, and healing again. I really do need them. Others may not think they need them. I at least want them because I know they have kernels of spiritual wisdom. I think they can help me, if I keep more of what they say at the front of my mind.

I had one terrible dream about being taken hostage by a soldier type of person. Then I had a calmer dream about sitting in a car with a nice girl who was eating an ice cream, recovering from an eating disorder, and waiting for some kind of museum or building to open. She was quite nice, but by the end of the dream, I wanted to ask her if in a former life, she had been the soldier to take me hostage in the earlier dream.

Isn't it a tragedy how people who could have helped each other out just don't because of...well, it's probably fear. Useless, needless fear. When fear takes over, things can go sour so quickly.

Even people with very different viewpoints and life experiences and understandings of the world can help each other out of they operate out of some basic principles of compassion and respect...

Dreams reminded me of these things.

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