Sunday, September 24, 2017

Healer, help us...

Another thing you might learn, if you feel beset by certain health problems, or by the sufferings of loved ones, and if you feel those challenges have interfered with attaining some things in life, is that love is important and love is a great healer.

"But why I am not..."
Maybe you should ask, why aren't you loving yourself more? Like, in a real way, not just a superficial, ego-indulging way. (Ex: now I can love me because I have a 4.0, because I got a nose job, because my bank account is...) If you don't have those things, are you not still worthy of love? Don't you especially need it in these times, even more than ever?

Healing love is beyond what the system provides, esp. when the system is extremely flawed or broken.

Healing love is the BEST part of what some religions contain but sometimes people have ignored or left it out, but perhaps they can bring it back.

Healing love does not have to brag or boast about itself or try to make you feel small in order to make itself feel worthy.

People are actually scared of healing love. Why? They are afraid to let defenses down maybe. They are afraid of getting tricked into believing in something false.

Healing love is real.

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