Sunday, August 20, 2017

Time for a break

from fatiguing red tape.

I have been sifting through health care documents and papers and trying to figure stuff out (where can I go to be seen for some things?) and I just need to stop doing this for a bit.

"Vacation" is over.

In spite of some hiccups, I really liked being away. But I am also so tired of clueless sexist men, and tired of women who make excuses for their bad behavior and enable them to be clueless and sexist (mostly because of something money-related). It's cruel and unnecessary and it ruins relations and things that could have been good.

My cat gets test results and the doctor takes cash and credit card.
Pets get better care than humans

I also hope the guy who is in the White House gets impeached soon, because it seems like things have gotten worse since he came in. But really, isn't he just a reflection of self-serving chauvinistic attitudes and behaviors that people were already indulging in?

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