Monday, August 21, 2017

A quick and easy 10k

At the park, nice people were sharing glasses. They were free, but "sold out." I got to see the eclipse at its peak!!!

I overheard a guy in the park talking about how his friend was somewhere in Pasadena, got 500 pairs of eclipse glasses for free, sold them for $20/each in Oregon....

That sounds fishy. It would be one thing if he got them cheaply, and sold them....

Well, no one faulted him for it.

"That's goooood..." they said. Little kids were running around.

He says his friend is an accountant and smarter than the rest of us.

Buying them cheaply and selling them sounds smarter. Taking a bunch of free ones....that sounds like someone got robbed. Like maybe the government or the community.

I wonder how many of the ppl who paid $20/pair are inclined to share what was intended to be free.

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