Monday, August 21, 2017

Oh, brother that wasn't

I got up, and just  because I am in the proximity of a certain environment a level of shock occurs to me...again. Really. Again.

It must be hard to be in denial about how much your own bias and discriminatory behavior has hurt people. Especially if it was unintentional or unconscious, and especially if people have just rewarded you for going along with it for it for a very long time.

Essentially, you were just imitating whatever behavior some authority figures taught you, and being oppressive in the process. And then, going into denial about how much it harms people is the best way you know how to deal with it?

And the system still supports that, and rewards people for it monetarily,, man.

This has taught me to work harder to find the people with maturity, sensitivity, wisdom and better developed sense of ethics.

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