Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Reading things


"This is the saddest incident from my childhood. I will tell you now. My father, a gambling addict, had lost everything, and been evicted from his last apartment. He was living in a camper-van, and unemployed, and had been unemployed for several years. I was 16 years old, working at Long John Silver’s fast-food restaurant, and giving him all of my wages. I made $5.15 an hour, and I couldn’t work more than 20 hours a week because of child labor laws…but I worked all weekend, every weekend, and I gave him everything. He wanted me to steal from my job, but I wouldn’t do that. He wanted me to steal from my mother’s jewelry box, but I wouldn’t do that either."  



 "Dexter has every right to lash out it anger, but he doesn’t. It wouldn’t be a surprise if he were disobedient child, but he isn’t. He’s nice. He is the sweetest kid (human actually) I’ve ever known. His mom is an abusive junkie currently shooting-up in some dope house and to this day we still have no idea who his dad is. He’s been robbed of a decent childhood. He has witnessed so much chaos, violence, negligence, anger, and sadness in his little life, but he is in no way a reflection of that. He’s kind. He’s kind to everyone."


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