Sunday, October 27, 2013

It's Sunday

The world is all like, b*****s be submissive & sexy or something! Reading NY Times review of Blue is the Warmest Color:

"Mr. Kechiche employs a selective aesthetic that shows Adèle slurping her food (“You’re voracious,” Emma says) but, importantly, does not permit her a similarly sloppy appetite in bed, where the movie’s carefully constructed realism is jettisoned along with bodily excesses and excretions in favor of tasteful, decorous poses. This may be what Ms. Maroh meant when she said the sex scenes were missing lesbians; I’d go further and say they’re missing women of any kind. Adèle’s hunger is contained, prettified, aestheticized."


"There’s a banality to how a lot of directors represent female bodies and female pleasure, partly because they borrow from the industrial handbook of male-oriented pornography.       
In truth, it isn’t sex per se that makes “Blue Is the Warmest Color” problematic; it’s the patriarchal anxieties about sex, female appetite and maternity that leach into its sights and sounds and the way it frames, with scrutinizing closeness, the female body. In the logic of the movie, Adèle’s body is a mystery that needs solving and, for a brief while, it seems as if Emma will help solve it. In “The Second Sex,” Beauvoir wrote that “the erotic experience is one that most poignantly discloses to human beings the ambiguity of their condition; in it they are aware of themselves as flesh and spirit, as the other and as the subject.” This is the ideal, but for Adèle, the erotic experience leads to despair, desperation, isolation. The body betrays her — just like a woman."

From Seeing You Seeing Me...


Friday night/Saturday morning in the suburbs: The woman upstairs is entertaining a visitor. Loudly. Are they fighting or not? Snippets of conversation make it sound unfriendly but then there is laughter.

Man: I am NOT a WHITE GUY. My last name is GERMAN.
Woman: You are an ASSHOLE.

Later they sound something like this:

Man: talking in a very low tone. Makes it sounds like he's reading off a script.
Woman: Ow. Oh. Ah. Auuuuuugh. Oh. Yes. Yes. YES! You're a GOOD BOY. AAAAAAAAAAAAH.

Recounting another interesting development later on:

A: So they were being really loud and she was screaming a lot. And it sounded like her sister stomped over and said "Shut the fuck up!"
B: Nice!

Next Day:

Concerned Father & Husband next door: Did you hear your upstairs neighbor last night? What was going on? We were outside and saw him pushing her up against the railing and she was saying "Ow, ow, you're hurting me."


Also  'Woman of The Year' In Esquire, Wants To Be A 'Brand'

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