Monday, October 07, 2013

BoomBoomBoom (messages!)

So before I went to bed last night, I saw this Gloria Steinem quote.

And then I slept and woke up and went out into the world. In the car, I heard this:

And then right after that, the subversive thought of the day was the same Gloria Steinem quote!

Something about that was cheerful.

Halloween is coming! So far, I have been invited to two parties I cannot attend on the East Coast, and nothing on the West Coast. Even though I tend towards a level of introversion, the xx% of my personality that leans towards socializing was always happy to attend a fun Halloween party hosted by others, so I'm a little bit sorry about that. But maybe I shall use the time to bake pumpkiny things, or brood and stare into candles. Or investigate the holiday's pagan origins.

Evening brought a surprise late birthday present in the mail...homemade music CDS (yay!) & a napkin sketchbook, which will have to contain something very special, undoubtedly.

For fall things I usually tend to ignore: a little comic about football:

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