Saturday, January 19, 2013

Walking is a joy

Today, near one of my walking places, I noticed a dilapidated car filled with trash with a sign in the window that said "GREECE ME BABY" or something like that. It was a sight. I also felt like looking at a book about El Camino (not the car! the one in Spain) and this part sort of jumped out:

"A Belgian hiker stopped me and said I had been his older sister in a past life. It was probably true. He was carrying a baseball bat and some larger contraption that he said would paralyze any dogs or people who might attack him...I told him it was better to walk alone quietly. He asked me to bless him. That made me extremely uncomfortable." --Page 140 of El Camino

I also read something about how the author's daughter might be writing a "tell-all" book about what it was like to be raised by her, and thought, hopefully, there will be some funny seems to me that life can only get better if you have a sense of humor about the way your guardians handled you; otherwise, it simply makes things much worse for yourself...unless, of course, you really had an upbringing that felt equivalent to that of a child opium bride...

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