Thursday, January 03, 2013

Dark letter

This is a gloomy article to read in the morning. What is this about:  "Police have said the accused have admitted to torturing and raping the student 'to teach her a lesson.'" What kind of lesson? Seriously, WHAT KIND OF LESSON.

Dear Somebody, like maybe somebody in Hollywood who secretly wants this sort of letter written to you.

One time when I was in college and living in a dorm, this knucklehead got drunk and then decided that it would be fun to repeatedly RAM his skateboard into my door at three in the morning. I got very tired of this, and so I finally got up and opened the door and said something that was SO unfriendly, like "Will you PLEASE shut up now!" and then slammed my door. He yelled "Go back to bed yourself, you bitch!" and stomped down the hallway. But a girl in his group of friends walked him to my door and made him apologize to me. She had her arm around his shoulders and she gave me a LOOK when this happened, like "just accept his apology already." Fine, I accept that she made you say you were sorry. Now I am going back to sleep. Anyway. The next day it was the biggest joke ever. Marauding bands of boys could not stop repeating the story and loudly laughing about it, while I stayed in my room and avoided them.

Now, I know that this is probably a really excessive and gruesome comparison, but sometimes I wonder if this is the same kind of mean laughter that goes on when some young dumb GIs decide it would be fun to make an underage girl have sex with them on a military base, or a group of stupid frat boys tell themselves it's cool to slip roofies into the punch, or a bunch of soldiers feel like going out and attacking someone (maybe even each other?) And isn't it sad how much of this goes on in the world? Meanwhile, there you sit, writing or directing or producing or costuming or whatevering for a certain kind of actress who has to mold herself to conform to certain weight & height & behavioral standards to satiate some kind of socially acceptable and ultimately PURITANICAL sexual appetite. You know what? I think that female dominatrixes exist to launder your dirty money. I suggest you go out and employ one for her services. It's likely that she'd do you a world of good.

I guess that's it for now, and I think I'm going to go back to reading something nice like Hot Chocolate For The Mystical Soul, at least for the moment (not for forever) so PEACE OUT!  

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