Sunday, February 05, 2012

Sunday, Sunday...

Superbowl for some, but "Song of Lunch" (Sunday am) for others! Sadly, sometimes literature disappoints. Someone watching along deemed it "excruciating" and had to leave the room. Well, the main character did seem a bit gloomier. Last time all the restaurant and food/drink details distracted. So, some people find melancholic poetry unbearable, others are less apt to tolerate horror movie trailers. What drives one person from the room is not the same as what makes another flee. Different strokes. I like how this post highlights the parts about T.S. Eliot and the unpatriotic tablecloth. How interesting, putting a poem on television. Now I wonder how long it will take before they will televise something like hash tags? Failure in relationships, friendships, etc. is an interesting theme, and some people can make art out of it. #sometimeselectiveamnesiahappensforareason How does one go about choosing a topic? Suppose you once found yourself trying to convince someone not to stomp off because of angry feelings at an old friend. The advisee did it anyway, and the friend tragically called out, "wait!" #soapoperaticmoments No matter if the advice was ignored, since the two seemed fine talking in the hall the next day #boyscanbefriendsinthehall #isn'tthatawesome #that'sokayIstillikeeatinglunchinthelibrary Or, like, what if weird dreams made you hallucinate an alternate version of reality #howamusing that didn't exist exactly that way #wellthat'sarelief according to another version? #whateverversionofrealityseemssane So the point of viewing Song Of Lunch is not to endure it because it is "excruciating" but to appreciate the use of language and who knows, maybe, hopefully, not end up like either of those characters? #yaypoetryiskindaliketherapy! Or at least think about how to write about food.

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