Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ridiculously Perfect

It seems a bit ridiculous that for Women’s History Month, the local library is promoting this book which is about the bitter feud between Twain’s daughter Clara and "the manipulative Isabel" (his secretary.) Yes, lets celebrate women by showing them feuding over a famous male artist. Or maybe that’s perfect. How ridiculously perfect. I see there’s going to be other books. I’m curious to read them. It appears one author worked through his repulsion of short stories? For a second I thought the title of the book was This Is How You Love Her, but that’s not it, is it? Lose Her, not Love Her! By the way, wouldn’t it be horrible if there was some weird Faustian pact you subconsciously had to make with the universe so that in order to write something you had to sacrifice your relationship? That’s a rather sad mindset; it seems quite punitive also. What if there were some people who could almost be friends. But it wasn’t merely star crossed; it was even encoded in their names! The rightful caliph! Etc. etc. Oh no, look out, now you’re getting too creative with religion. That could be dangerous. The Angel Gibreel, etc. I never read that book actually. I might read Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand, that’s less combative. It’s not a fast race car of a book; it’s more like a placid cup of tea. (Is it? Is it like Jane Austen? I don’t know; I haven’t read it.) Actually I might not because I am probably taking a break from books and going to walk in the woods more. But anyways. It's like...Don’t you dare write that! It’s like the dead girl in The Mysteries of Harris Burdick (and I loved that book) with the vines growing out of the pages. He had warned her about the book. Now it was too late, Don’t you dare, Robert Post’s child. There have ALWAYS been Starcutters…er, Starkadders...Okay. What about a high school musical. One girl looks at her friend across an art table; one day she doesn’t know why, but some weird music comes to her, embarrassing stuff his friends would never listen to, it’s like her mom’s country music cassette in the car. "Lipstick on your collar gives your game away, it’s strawberry red and mine’s…paank rose!" Or what if another girl comes in and is tired of how things are going and she sings “I’m gonna wash that man right out of my hair.” Which could be Rodgers and Hammerstein, or it could be Sheela Na Gig. And some other words come out of the other one's mouth, like, “I just want to dump a giant bucket of water over your head sometimes.”

1 comment:

Alysonaradar said...

Who are you? You amuse me. I got here through a Snoopy comic, and found your random spewings delightful.