Monday, February 13, 2012

not HAL

This is the season one of my friends says, "I hate Val!" She has to do all this extra work & on call stuff for it. I'm like "but today is Monday the 13th and in less than 48 hours it'll be the day after Val! Are you excited?" But she's not because they have to drudge away the whole rest of the week too. Her Val is work is like hell week. "Val" also sounds funny because it sort of makes me think of something robotic, like a female version of HAL, from 2001 Space Odyssey. Though never did see that movie, actually. The world grinds on past every holiday. One time I read this in a comic--Little Kid: "How come there's a Mother's Day and a Father's Day but not a children's day?" Parent: "Every day is Children's Day!" Everyday is study grammar day. Everyday is celebrate difficult people day. On the other hand, there is this little kid I sometimes work with who is very excited about it. He's made two cards. One has a Tinkerbell picture on it for his girlfriend, and one has a Star Wars picture on it for his brother. Last time he said "My brother says my drawings are ugly." "I don't think that's true," I said. This time he said "My brother always love me." "I know," I said. And one of his nicknames is actually in this Blue Ridge Mountains song. Which is nice and peaceful...
Hmmm, they seem to always put some kind of ads before the version that's straight off the album.
Live version of Blue Ridge Mountains

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