Friday, October 08, 2010


Fooling around with old digital design software. (Thank you for not dying on me, laptop!) Something about the TV (it is old, with an antenna and a digital converter) makes it come on at random. It just happened to be turned to a religious channel the past two nights. It certainly was a bit disturbing to be woken up by what sounded like a roomful of people chanting in the wee hours of the morning. ("I tell you, it's haunted." "We are NOT haunted!" Once the TV was shut off, sleeping resumed with the bathroom light accidentally-on-purpose left on.)

Now I let La Virgen's station play in the background while I attend to other matters. This is not so strange. Every summer I visited homes where they'd have the same religious radio station playing in the background at all hours of the day and night.

Repetition is a good way to brush up on a language. In a way, it is a pity that Protestants don't say the rosary.

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