Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Music, dreams

A funny person appeared in a dream of mine. In fact, I can't even remember the person's name. It may have been years since I thought of him. But I must remember something of his presence, for in my dream, there he suddenly was. We had been wandering around a home that was like a gigantic dolls house, when he turned and asked me what I was thinking. In the strange reality of dreams, I replied something to the affect of, I don't know, what are you thinking? and pointed the charred, blackened end of a stick at him. Suddenly another girl came up and grabbed him and they went off to some kind of fun event. I was left with a rather sulky feeling.
I feel as if listening to Coldplay before I went to sleep might have had something to do with this. I wasn't ever a person who considered myself a fan of their (overplayed) music, but last night I dozed before sleep with some in my ear, and I changed my opinion. Coldplay became a band that could make war veterans return to a gentler state of mind.
One of the songs was...(checking...)"Clocks." Maybe it was that album? (It was on an iPod.)

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