Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Le book

I have finished Fear and Trembling. I enjoyed it. Once again I have the opportunity to regret that I don't really know French. I even thought, "this would make a good movie," and voila, whaddaya know, there is one.
However, there is one little thing. The whole cleaning the bathrooms part. I mean, having to clean the bathrooms at a corporation, especially where there is a large bay window which one can "throw" herself out of from time to time, how can that possibly compare with having to clean the bathroom of a restaurant/bar, particularly during the disgusting, grabby frat boy atmosphere of greatly-reduced-price pint night? Lets pretend that never happened. Actually, pretty yucky things also happen in bookstore and library bathrooms. A Twice Sold Tales' bathroom in Seattle in the '90s made an impression on me, because there was a sign of the door saying that if anyone dared to go in and shoot up, please just die. That was a bit much.

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