Monday, October 04, 2010


Enter Sandman.
I said I wanted to hear that song in the car. Less than 24 hours later, I just happened to get in the car at almost the precise moment it was coming on.
(Only the ending was interrupted when I had to run back into the house to retrieve a book. It was one that got lent to me and I was surprised. I take note when someone just kind of pushes a book into my hands. This one was Hands of Light.)
How fantastic is it, when that happens?
Once, not at all long ago, I had some experience in the dream world. It sort of involved meeting a friend. Who this friend could be, it's hard to say, the visage changed several times, could have been many people, even at one point a Jim Morrison-ish guy (of all people. Sheesh.) I don't know where that came from, perhaps a part of that one decided to drop in on this part of the state.
I suppose the best part of the dream was, me and friend just sort of sat among a group at a picnic and friend told me that I "get it."
And that 'twas a nice little dream, and what is the meaning of dreams? Kind of like the stuff that singing in the clawfoot bathtub while you're a kid playing with plastic ufos from a McDonalds happy meal is made of.
Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream
merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
life is but a dream.

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