Friday, August 01, 2008


Eat them. Drink them. Today I went to a new Asian supermarket that's very close to me and was completely bowled over by all the choices. Four kinds of bok choy. Several kinds of some other "choy" vegetable on either side of those. GEODUCKS. No, those are not a vegetable, I just couldn't believe that they had them. It was kind of a magical the end of it, the check-out lady gave me a large, attractive plastic tray for free. Is this clutter? I asked myself. No, it is a gift. I took it home and covered it with a towel. Now it is where I put the blender to dry out after I've washed it. I would like to try this concoction of peaches and greens and rosemary.
Also, nothing to do with vegetables, but I found an Ekova video: Siip Siie
Later--The question below looks different to me after I have been looking at some financial things. But, I know that I will eventually return to a more peaceful state of mind. In a harmonious environment! Bok Choy picture

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