Friday, August 15, 2008

Driving is, like, the best therapy...

After I spend a period of time on a road trip, sometimes I don't feel content to be in one place. Such was the case today. I had a whole day to do "necessary and useful things" but I could not stay in one place. I had to drive! And see some forest. I listened to more linguistics lectures and a CD that someone made for me years ago. It had the alternate version of "Talula" on it. I just watched this Fool on the hill/Horses clip. It's a good thing I drove around today. It was actually a question of sanity. Now I feel more cozy and content about sifting through, and donating, old things. And, for some reason, I am feeling rather interested in quilts. Who knows though, maybe it wasn't just the driving around, but also a shift in eating patterns. They've improved recently. Today, I actually felt thrilled by the discovery that this dip thing I made did not change from a pale green hue, even after sitting in the fridge overnight. It was a blender concoction with dill and celery and avocado and garlic cloves and almond milk. It wasn't bad, but it might have improved, taste-wise, with some cilantro and maybe a little onion. I brought the blender with me on my trip, but I got temporarily blind sided at my grandmother's. The race was on! Those healthy eating habits were beat out by the presence of desserts, cheeses, and cured meats.

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