Thursday, August 14, 2008

creative writingsssssssssssssssssss

In storytelling, a narrator might think, you know, if one squirrel finds it necessary to follow another squirrel around as part of a creative process, wouldn't it make sense if it didn't actually happen unless both Squirrel A & Squirrel B had their sh*t together, on all levels, so, why not break that down to four: physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual. Career-wise and wise-use-of-self-expression-wise and health-wise (p, m & e. And s?) would lend itself to that. But then, that's not how LIFE is (supposedly.) Or actually, it is sometimes how LIFE is, for some people, but on the whole, or in part, society is addicted to its chaos-driven tales, so chaos still reigns supreme, for some.

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