Sunday, June 23, 2024

Why is it customary to not acknowledge certain types of people and why should that be seen as okay?

"Zurawski went through what she described as a grueling year of fertility treatments which ended tragically when the pregnancy she fought so hard for had catastrophic complications at just 18 weeks.

But Texas has a near total abortion ban. Zurawski said she was told by her doctor that her life had to be in danger before they could deliver her daughter before the point of viability, effectively an abortion. She endured two bouts of sepsis before she could get an abortion. The damage from the experience has left her likely unable to carry a future pregnancy."

~ Anna Liz Nichols

"After being denied health care, women detail 'emotional and psychological toll’ of abortion bans"

"In a Louisiana Illuminator column published last month, Joshua recalls the staff “told me they were praying for me. I’m a Christian woman who goes to church every Sunday. I needed answers and access to care, not their prayers.”

But Joshua said she didn’t get the care she needed and instead had to suffer alone.

“It took me weeks to pass my pregnancy at home by myself and I was absolutely terrified. This experience has made me see firsthand how Black women are dying at alarming rates in this country,” Joshua said on Tuesday.

Black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes than their white counterparts, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

~ Anna Liz Nichols

"After being denied health care, women detail 'emotional and psychological toll’ of abortion bans"

There are more people like her in communities all across America, too.

"She said she’s been called 'the all-American girl.'”

~ Caroline Kitchener

"'Everybody’s daughter’: The rape victim behind Kentucky’s viral abortion ad"

I hear the train a comin'

"High school dance rules"

~ Bo Johnson

"Not selling out shows..."

~ Bo Johnson

"Girl dumps bf for not laughing..."

~ Bo Johnson

"Did you know the story behind the iconic song 'Folsom Prison'"


There, there, little evolving corner of consciousness

Associating old protest songs from the '60s with society's attitudes towards certain kinds of female bodies in the 2020s...

Country Joe McDonald - "I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-To-Die"

That is what is required.

I will need to be boring and not entertaining and just heal my life. I have gotten distracted. My health was impacted. I really hope my body will forgive me.

I think my body thinks I am a work in progress

Maybe it is a task to accept a more peaceful and wonderful way of being in life.

Maybe my big task in life is just learning how to heal and be much more at peace with my body and better at listening to it.

It can be very challenging. There's a lot that can distract a person from this.

I am not able to do what others are doing at the moment because my body believes I need to get much better at taking care of my health.

Perhaps my soul thinks or feels or believes that this is so as well.

You could never have told my very sensitive preteen self...

 "Cabaret & the Seductive Power of Evil"

~ Matt Baume

The one that went home sick after watching a movie about the Holocaust and didn't go back to school for a week, "One day you'll find this sort of content almost comforting in small doses, almost as if it can like be a useful road map to guide you."

Anyways, I still think I'm sensitive.

Are most wealthy people truly happy?

"Why are food prices out of control?" | The Coffee Klatch

How many people own a hat like that these days?

"Do the Rich Work Harder than Everyone Else?"

~ Robert Reich

Why don't you deal with it.

Look. You. Folks. Have. A LOT. In. Common!

Comedy SO painful. You'd be better off

"Jordan Klepper Asks MAGA Followers about Trump Conviction"

Hanging out with Women for Trump. Or men! 

Sometimes men like voting for Trump even though he's a convicted felon now, too! 

Don't forget about them.

There's a lot of abandoned souls on stages

I am inspired. 

To go be a better person this afternoon...

Less sympathetic voices: "In the tragic 2020s some privileged people really did get paid $ to act really dumb." "Maybe this like the 'before' of the 'before and after' of the ancestors going to rehab?"

Living history

"Roman gestures! #history #rome"


"Unhappy brides ๐Ÿ’” #history #painting"


"The Varna Necropolis in Bulgaria ๐Ÿ˜ฒ #history #arch"


"The gold content is worth 7 years of a legionary’s salary!"


Baking Genius!


"Introducing the crookies fancy cousin๐ŸŽ€ "


Oh yeah, I remember that too.

Remember that time when you were like, maybe some people who seem mean are actually just in a state of grief, and they're struggling along, and they just can't believe that had to turn themselves into mean people in order to get by in life. And that's their grief stage.

Oh yeah, I remember that.

Remember that time you were depressed, but you made a lumpy stay-at-home skirt by cutting the legs of some pants that were worn in the middle and could no longer be worn as pants, and then stopped cutting and tried it on, and realized it's now going to have a second life as a lumpy skirt with slits up the sides?

I like this one.

"'Everybody’s daughter’: The rape victim behind Kentucky’s viral abortion ad

Hadley Duvall helped Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear win reelection -- and she’s ready to campaign again in 2024"

It's just another FUN opinion, Lord!

Some people really should try to think more deeply and critically about how often they have gotten rewarded for acting as though certain kinds of people are "more worthless to society" than others, even though the society they're living in would not even be FUNctioning without all those so-called "worth less than others" people. REALLY! Why not? What's the worst that could happen? MAYBE IT COULD BE FUN!

Want me to show you how to use social media to advocate for all kinds of human rights? Tee hee! It was invented to rate hot girls.

"Mark Zuckerberg Tells Congress: No, Facebook Wasn't Invented To Rank Hot Girls, That Was My Other Website"

"Exploring the effect of social media on teen girls’ mental health"

"Madeline Kahn Monologue" (Paper Moon)



Hey, cheer up, it's Sunday, and the Lord probably has a sense of humor?

 "If it were possible to die from cringe, LinkedIn's demented hustle culture and vapid thought leadership would be the terminating trigger."

~ Emma Jacobs 

LinkedIn’s makeover lacks one thing: humour (

"Tom - 9 Hours Ago

What to expect from a congregation of corporate drones who mainly like posts of their bosses and colleagues while announcing to the world that they've completed a course or got a promotion."

LinkedIn’s makeover lacks one thing: humour (

"Mateo - 9 Hours Ago

Great article, thank you. Nothing more tragic than LinkedIn posts these days.It's the ones where men do their humble brags about being a great father that kill me most. If you're so great, how about getting off LinkedIn and actually spending that time with your kids?"

LinkedIn’s makeover lacks one thing: humour (

It's entirely possible that they'll much be better about acknowledging all their gratitude towards whoever made whatever they're doing possible in the not-too-distant future.

Well, I asked...

I was feeling upset by certain kinds of experiences and I said, Dear God, what is to be learned from witnessing and experiencing so many small cruelties that people have inflicted on others and themselves at this time on this planet, and the answer was that humans still do those things out of fear. Sometimes, it's just as basic as a fear of not fitting into a certain paradigm that they have constructed in their minds which makes them act or react in certain ways. Some people are so busy reacting to fear that even when the ripple effects begin to become noticeable, sometimes they continue to follow their fears and cling to old patterns even more, just as a way of surviving their own circumstances.

Heat in this area of the world has its challenges...

"It's only a Paper Moon...๐ŸŽถ"

"1933 HITS ARCHIVE: It’s Only A Paper Moon - Paul Whiteman, Peggy Healy"

It's only a flying cockroach on the laundry room wall. (And other places. Eeeeeek...)

'Madeline Kahn Monologue"

Try to have fun; it's a spiritual journey.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Older but recent! "Palm Springs men collect more than 1,200 toys for children of migrant farm workers"

"Lautenbach, who grew up on a dairy farm south of Indianapolis, says his upbringing gave him a special appreciation for farm workers.

"From my childhood and throughout my young adult life, I experienced the perils of fieldwork," he says. "Heat, dehydration, physical exhaustion, social isolation and missed after-school activities. Today, traveling along the Highway 86 corridor to and beyond the Salton Sea, there are miles and miles of date and citrus orchards and fields of various vegetables. I have seen many hard-working migrant farm workers harvesting by hand in the searing summer heat the very fruits and vegetables that I select from my local market without breaking a sweat. I am passionate to show my appreciation and create awareness for all that migrant farm workers do for our valley and the entire country."

~ Winston Gieseke

Might also be a tradition that won't seem healthy to continue in the future...

Being extremely inclined towards not acknowledging that certain kinds of people do exist and do have a place within Society.

"How does it feel" could have gotten into my head recently because...

New Order - "Blue Monday (Official Lyric Video)"

Some were treated better than others according to which social norms were still being followed by some people in recent times; however...

"The Decameron" | Official Teaser | Netflix

The creators of that new show also chose it for their trailer, which is based on a medieval COMEDY and...well, I might need to look it up to find out more about it. I didn't actually ever read it!

Does she seem funny?

"'It’s like if you have some child and they pull some shenanigan,' one attendee said. 'You don’t like what they do. You love the person, but you don’t necessarily like what they do.'

Klepper found this child analogy rather apt, though struggled with the concept of wanting a child as President of the United States. One hopes others do as well come November."

~ Harrison Richlin

Is it not ideal?

If it looks like "choosing to still live inside of information silos which helped certain people act like other kinds of people just didn't exist" is not the best course to follow for future generations?

Or we could just buy some ice cream! I will go for that, and my capsule of black currant oil, too, now that I know I should take it.

"Let's explain, using our words and brains and intelligence, why you'd have been treated very differently, and as if you were much less worthless to A Society Built Upon Patriarchal Values, if you'd inherited more $$$, certain genes, diamond mines..."

It's crazy what a little extra money can help you do!

You can also buy some milk from the store. 

"I just like the extra work."

"How to turn almonds into pudding (gluten-free) #shorts"


Okay, dark grandma. Got to go make my breakfast for my tummy, so I'll talk to you later.

By the way, if you ever want to be way less prejudiced then certain adults have been for I don't know how long, but ever since the patriarchy strangled them and then rewarded them for acting that way, feel free to do that. Feel free to be different, and not like them.

Dear Grandma who got locked away in an asylum. Or Crazy Aunt. Either one

So, how was your childhood? What kind of society awaited you?

❤️Think of Those Babies! Too! That would be SO loving! And caring!❤️

Everyone's bad grandma or crazy aunt who got locked away in an asylum was a cute little baby at one time! It's true! It is totally, absolutely, one hundred percent TRUE.

Why don't they call it Pregnant Lady??

"'Big Boy,' the 1.1 million pound train, set to tour US..."

Is it because pregnant ladies are still only number two on the patriarchal food chain? Let's go ask the ghost of Dark Grandma and see what she has to say about it!

Wouldn't it be weird if I just took a short, yet extravagant, vacation one of these days?

It could happen!

She's not for everyone. I don't like all of her jokes either.

"Judy Tenuta's Network Television Debut | Letterman" 

Not to mention got put into mental asylums haha haha haha!

Why don't you think about all the women who were forced to have children when they probably shouldn't have and chain smoked and alienated their children and chain smoked and chain smoked and ooh curls and curls and curls of smoke!

"Napoleon XIV: 'They're coming to take me away'"

~ blocqut

Life is more fun with this song in the universe, too.

Things that liberal people don't want to talk about and things that conservative people don't want to talk about.

Could be one way for them to find common ground. And then, maybe when they realize they have so much in common, they can be like, Wow. What are some other ways that we can choose to connect and find common ground now, besides what we both don't like talking about? How about some more discussion about what we both don't avoid looking at???

I feel like I should read this, this, and this, and then watch more of the local show in which Duvall is featured

"'Grapes Of Wrath' And The Politics of Book Burning",a%20year%20and%20a%20half.


"The Partially True Story of the Burning of The Grapes of Wrath"

"It is important to note that The Grapes of Wrath has not been the target of any recent challenges, nor has it ever made any of the Top 10 Most Challenged Book Lists, maintained by the ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF). The top 13 most challenged books of 2022 in the United States overwhelmingly faced challenges for LGBTQIA and sexual content. Many others are written by authors of color and highlight important issues of racial injustice. The focus has shifted predominantly away from well-known titles written by dead white men, but strong threads remain that connect the past to the present."

~ Claire Sewell


"'Everybody’s daughter’: The rape victim behind Kentucky’s viral abortion ad"


"Unapologetically Woman Season 4 Episode 2 - Hadley Duvall"


Is this a Kentucky show?

"Unapologetically Woman Season 4 Episode 2 - Hadley Duvall"

This is kind of fascinating, actually.

"'Everybody’s daughter’: The rape victim behind Kentucky’s viral abortion ad

Hadley Duvall helped Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear win reelection -- and she’s ready to campaign again in 2024"

"Standing in the middle of a football field in mid-October, she looked out at the students of her small Christian university, stunned to be the one wearing the rhinestone tiara. Her classmates could have chosen to honor the student body president or a leading member of the local Bible study. Instead, they’d picked Hadley, the face of a viral ad about abortion and sexual abuse that had begun airing a month earlier, and would soon help Democrats hold the governor’s mansion in one of the most conservative states in the country.

'They don’t hate me,' Duvall, 21, recalled thinking as she accepted a bouquet of red roses from her college president. 'They made me homecoming queen.'”


“'Go look at the ad ran against Daniel Cameron in Kentucky of the young woman who was raped when she was 12 years old by her father,' Ronna McDaniel, chair of the Republican National Committee, said on a recent podcast. The ad clearly contributed to Beshear’s win, McDaniel said, 'because we won everything else down ticket in Kentucky.'

Heading into the 2024 presidential election, the resonance of Duvall’s ad offers a new playbook for Democrats, while positioning Duvall herself as a uniquely powerful messenger on abortion, capable of appealing to moderates and conservatives.

'Some people have a stereotype of someone who has to make this kind of choice,' said Duvall’s mother, Jennifer Adkins Miller. 'But Hadley is in everybody’s household. She’s everybody’s daughter. She’s everybody’s niece. She’s everybody’s sister.'

Duvall has thought critically about why she, in particular, has been such a persuasive voice on the issue. She expects conservatives wouldn’t have been nearly as open to listening to a Black or Hispanic woman with the same story.

'It’s a sad reality,' she said. 'White privilege … I believe that’s a thing, 100 percent.'

She said she’s been called 'the all-American girl.'”

~ Caroline Kitchener

The moon rose over the mountain...

"Summer brings strawberry moon, meteor showers..."

Thank you for the star berries...

So far, I like today better than yesterday.

It's great to have a settled stomach.

Also if you have ever consumed cranberry juice before getting sick multiple times, later you might think to yourself, "Well, that was a dramatic touch."

Yesterday's "Polite Society" is tomorrow's "Please do not make the outsider children's lives worse because that's actually not very good for society"

"In the two years since Roe’s demise, reproductive health in the U.S. has become increasingly more fraught, and Biden and Democrats are seeking to highlight the growing fallout as a reason to reelect the president.

Women who never intended to end their pregnancies have nearly died because they could not get emergency treatment. Miscarriage care has been delayed. Routine reproductive medical care is drying up in states with strict bans. Fertility treatments were temporarily paused in Alabama."

~ Colleen Long

"Woman who was raped as a child campaigns with first lady..."

There's a heatwave. Can you eat breakfast today? Are the farmworkers gonna get hydrated enough? That's cheeky!

Paris Paloma - "LABOUR (the cacophony) [Official Video]"

I guess it is an opportunity for spiritual growth

If your experiences were outside of what the  Patriarchal Society chooses to acknowledge or accommodate.

Perhaps this what is going to start happening more and more...

"U.S. military members discuss seeking conscientious objector status over support of Israel in Gaza"

Friday, June 21, 2024

Wow! That must look fabulous out in the desert right now.

Why isn't it always this bright...

Going to look for the binoculars...

Humans want to know how to heal from trauma

I said, what's that scream, and realized it was the electric kettle. It's easier for me to read about how people have survived and rebuilt after previous wars that ended in the past, but it's also quite horrifying to read about it sometimes. I should look up works by Ernest Holmes and Florence Scovel after I read the memoir of Paula Fox's time in Europe in the 1940s.

Seems so.

My tea bag from this morning told me that someone who knows how to make himself happy doesn't need riches.

Oh you don't have the means to do this or that?

Well, as luck would have it, today all you had to do was try your best to get well after you got ill.

What a marvel!

I ate a nice small healthy real food dinner.

Small purple sweet potato I had baked previously, two pieces of broccoli I steamed with other pieces in the microwave, black beans, some little pieces of chicken, I roasted in the oven along with peppers with onion that I thawed. I ate out of a little bowl and have some leftover for tomorrow. 

I had water, tea and kombucha all day, and unsalted saltines and coconut water.

I am recovering from being quite unwell.

I am very into Healthade Ginger Pineapple Belly Reset and Saltine crackers and feeling blessed by the universe and the nice person who bought them for me.

Be nicer to yourself.

Oh I do not feel very well now, for some reasons. That's life in a body sometimes. I don't think watching Midsommar would be good at this time. So why did I watch Zone of Interest and the Netflix documentary about Hitler? Who knows.

It's kinda weird, you know...

 "Burn Your Village (Same Old Energy pt.II)"

~ Kiki Rockwell

Knowing that some people who wouldn't like that one would say Midsommar is a great film...

Well maybe they should re-release "Are You There God..."

"After 50 years of declining Hollywood's offers, Judy Blume is on the big screen"

Because I missed it when it came out the first time. 

‘Midsommar’ Rides Hotter and Higher in Domestic Box Office Re-release"

Maybe I would watch this one someday. Probably not on the big screen, probably at home...

"Then Again, Maybe I Won't by Judy Blume | Goodreads"

It's just weird when Google makes the top result some article that came out back in 2018; that was ages ago. That was such a long time ago. Oh my God...

"Zach Braff Says He Wants 'Like 20' Kids..."

I just thought of something.

"'Grapes Of Wrath' And The Politics of Book Burning",a%20year%20and%20a%20half.

Sometimes I feel like when some people seem to want to ignore some of the stuff that's going on, it kind of reminds me of how some people didn't want The Grapes of Wrath in their library.

And also...

Reading about Paula Fox's father made me think a little bit more about the film Paper Moon again.

And how do you feel now...๐ŸŽถ

Like that "Money Talks..." song from long ago is either for staring at a quilt and thinking about what being comfortable with your relationship with nature means to you before you fall asleep, OR maybe it's meant to accompany this article:

"Denver Basic Income Reduces Homelessness, Food Insecurity, Housing"

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Now I wanna look up some lyrics ๐ŸŽน

Elton John & Dua Lipa – "Cold Heart (PNAU Remix) Lyrics"

Kacey Musgraves – "The Architect Lyrics | Genius Lyrics"

Petit Biscuit – "You Lyrics | Genius Lyrics"

Yesterday's decisions no longer working out...

"Air Force Engineer Resigns as Dissent Against Gaza War Slowly Spreads..."


If you don't wish to know what another is experiencing, why is that?

Maybe there are some good reasons to not want to know, but are they always going to be good enough to let them direct you to go down that same path indefinitely?

If you wish for someone else to hide what they have experienced, why is that?

Maybe tomorrow will be a better time to find out?

Growing up in an Unhealthy Patriarchal Culture.

"Trump spiritual advisor admits to..."

Who thinks that?

"What goes up must come down..."

"What is a spinning wheel and how does it work?"

~ NC Museum of History

Well, it is pretty draining, physically as well as emotionally.

No wonder people don't want to talk about GRIEF!

This doesn't reflect waking up with heavy feelings of grief.


"Girl Who Has Older Brothers (and it’s her whole personality)"


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Another place to see someday!

"The Martin and Osa Johnson saga is one for the ages"

After reading...

"The teacher of the seventh grade civics class was a short man with a clever face. I sat in the last row with Lee, a tall, thin, handsome boy. Our civics textbooks were open to conceal a travel book by Osa and Martin Johnson. We were reading it with romantic intensity, thinking of each other's appreciation. Suddenly we sensed the teacher's presence as we turn the page. 

'Interesting,' he murmured. 'But out of place, don't you think?'"

~ Paula Fox, the "Florida" chapter of the electronic version Borrowed Finery

Lover of book covers...

 Which one?

The one on the left where the young man is standing above a wall with some fog in the lower corners is the copy of One-Eyed Cat that I was given as a child. The one on the right is beautiful, with those purple and green hues...

It's probably still a good dinner.

"Making President Lincoln's Favorite Meal" | Chicken Fricassee

~ Cowboy Kent Rollins

I wonder if that guy's going to say how they knew it was his favorite meal? 

Wonder when his last meal of chicken fricassee might have been consumed?

They're all so American! What if they hung out and talked about the times in which we're living? Would it be scary? Traumatizing? Enlightening? What about funny?

What if the police types who won an Emmy and the Hollywood people who are good at hobnobbing with lots of different types of folks paired up and started doing some podcasts together? Maybe they could discuss their similarities or lack thereof? What would that be like?

"Ted Danson and Woody Harrelson stopped by..."


"Of course we won an Emmy, we're RSO!

Please join us in congratulating our very own Amy Brazao-Cartas and Monica Salib of the RSO Media Information Bureau for winning an Emmy in the Crime and Justice category for their project, Operation Intercept!

Operation Intercept aims to address online predators in Riverside County.

A big thank you to Sheriff Chad Bianco and Undersheriff Don Sharp for their leadership and attendance at the ceremony to support our team!

We are RSO Proud!

Click the link below to watch Operation Intercept:

#RSOProud #Emmy #Nataspsw #EmmyAward #Academy #TheEmmysPSW #TheEmmys #RiversideSheriff

Might also get "One-Eyed Cat" again.

"One-Eyed Cat by Paula Fox" | Goodreads

I decided to get this good book so I can read it again.

"The Coldest Winter: A Stringer in Liberated Europe" by Paula Fox

When an Israeli war crimes investigator attends a comedy show...

"Coming from inside the house"


Also, who was who way back when, and why...

"Here's Everything We Know About Eddie Murphy & Bill Cosby"

So it seems.

There's so much to say no or not right now to, just to be able to get a little bit better.

Song for the insomnia this a.m.

Vertical Horizon - "Everything You Want"

Saw that there some creative people who were wanting to do some work on themselves in their own ways...

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Maybe it's a good day to be superstitious?

"White bison calf born in Yellowstone park fulfills Native America prophecy"

"Smoke Signals - Morning Traffic Report"

Dance Me Outside (1994) | "Where do I live?"

Today is a sad day.

Death has happened.

Well if it really "okay for everyone," then why did it actually make me feel sick?

Maybe certain genetics are just more sensitive to the harm that's being caused by people choosing to go along with other people's desperate alliances with bigotry and their efforts to tell themselves that their way to be is the right way to be.

Wanna join the cult that doesn't care about young people's human rights being trampled on just to feel good and fit in better? Nope, not today.

"When a Trump rally T-shirt is more than just a shirt"

Maybe it will happen!

Wouldn't it be SO great if I start getting lots of messages that people are going to get A LOT better at caring about human rights?

Oh well, just reading some scandalous words from 1941

If it's from 1941, then Anne Frank and her sister were still very much alive when this piece ran! I just thought of that.

"Who Goes Nazi?" by Dorothy Thompson

It is SO CREEPY to read how some people were before they knew how badly the Nazis were treating people.

"I grin bitterly to myself, thinking that if we ever got into war with the Nazis he would probably be interned, while Mr. B and Mr. G and Mrs. E would be spreading defeatism at all such parties as this one. 'Of course I don’t like Hitler but . . .'

Mr. J over there is a Jew. Mr. J is a very important man. He is immensely rich—he has made a fortune through a dozen directorates in various companies, through a fabulous marriage, through a speculative flair, and through a native gift for money and a native love of power. He is intelligent and arrogant. He seldom associates with Jews. He deplores any mention of the 'Jewish question.' He believes that Hitler 'should not be judged from the standpoint of anti-Semitism.' He thinks that 'the Jews should be reserved on all political questions.' He considers Roosevelt 'an enemy of business.' He thinks 'It was a serious blow to the Jews that Frankfurter should have been appointed to the Supreme Court.'

The saturnine Mr. C—the real Nazi in the room—engages him in a flatteringly attentive conversation. Mr. J agrees with Mr. C wholly. Mr. J is definitely attracted by Mr. C. He goes out of his way to ask his name—they have never met before. 'A very intelligent man.'”

~ Dorothy Thompson in 1941

I mean maybe tomorrow will be more cheerful, but...

Have you ever felt like you've really and truly just had it. And like, you really don't have it in you to say lots of comforting things right now?

I think would be better for humans to try out new things.

The colder and more stubborn some people get, (sometimes even people you wouldn't have thought would be that way), the more dreadfully it feels like those bad old patterns are being repeated...TRAUMA. It's really not great, at all.

Human fear is truly damaging to society and can warp the psyche.

The sad thing is, his parents actually got hate mail from other parents when he was killed, like it was their way of coping with reality, due to their "victim-blaming" mentality or something.

"He told a Kent State classmate he was 'scared'
of the unrest. Two days later, he was dead."

Can't sleep! Any strategies to survive bigotry to be gleaned from another life in another time?

"'We'll hunt you': Trump, MAGA supporters' violent rhetoric isn't a glitch. It's a feature.
The Republican Party has been overtaken by a movement that tolerates, and sometimes celebrates, extremism, as long as that extremism helps or supports Donald Trump"

"Recall Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco"

Monday, June 17, 2024

Oh, I just remembered this for some reason.

"Bill Schroeder Poem | Kent State University"

God doesn't devalue young people's human rights

"I fear for the rights and bodies of those like me and those who are less fortunate.”

~ Julie Maslowsky

I like remembering that it's good to believe in God.

God can see the value in multiple kinds of people more easily.

How hard is it to care about human rights for others when you were raised not to care about them? Very apparently.

Something that might help the people who were raised not to care about the younger people being deprived of certain human rights is to start giving the kinds of people they weren't raised to care about some honors and accolades...

But every time you give that outcast some sort of honor, or act as though you value or honor them even just one time, just make sure you give the other people that you were raised to value more ten more honors to make up for it. 

And then, it will feel okay to you, to honor those undervalued people, because you won't have actually changed the status quo too much!


So depressing!

Why do you have to do things like that just to fit in with the uncaring norms of the unwell patriarchy?

Are you afraid of becoming one of the undervalued ones?

Emotional Development.

What would a group of humans who would rather choose to bury their heads deep in the sand after flat out saying it's better not to know if important human rights are being taken away from the younger people like to learn more about.

Maybe some of the great-grandchildren will care much more about human rights than what got role modeled for them.

"Take that mask off, I wanna see what’s under them achievements

Why believe you? You never gave us nothing to believe in

’Cause you lied about religious views, you lied about your surgery 

You lied about your accent and your past tense — all is perjury. 

Shoutout to Kendrick Lamar for giving us all some Pulitzer-worthy words we can use to condemn blatant hypocrisy. I thought about these bars over the weekend as I read about MAGA megachurch pastor Robert Morris’ sexual abuse scandal."

~ Ja'han Jones

Should they move somewhere else with a more inclusive community?

"These restrictions are affecting how young people think about voting, where they should choose to live, study and work, and how to control their fertility. Abortion restrictions may also have serious impacts on young people’s mental health."

~ Julie Maslowsky

Does this mean that some people you know feel entitled to be terrible to certain people in need of healthcare?

"'An insane level of hate': Texas radio host on response he's received to story of wife's miscarriage"


Should they refrain from forming "The elders clearly don't care about our bodies or our health or our human rights" protests?

"These restrictions are affecting how young people think about voting, where they should choose to live, study and work, and how to control their fertility. Abortion restrictions may also have serious impacts on young people’s mental health."

~ Julie Maslowsky

Making some jokes. Written by some unseen writers. Mmmmhmmm.

"Jon Stewart Debunks GOP’s City Crime Narrative"

~ The Daily Show

What makes good people behave that way?

"'An insane level of hate': Texas radio host on response he's received to story of wife's miscarriage"


Really? Healthcare? Well, why do people in bodies ever need that for any reason?

“A person should not have to travel hundreds or thousands of miles to receive basic health care.”

~ Nick Robertson

“Traveling for abortion care requires individuals to overcome huge financial and logistical barriers, and our findings show just how far people will travel to obtain the care they want and deserve,” Guttmacher data scientist Isaac Maddow-Zimet said in a statement.

“Despite the amazing resiliency of abortion patients and providers, we can’t lose sight of the fact that this is neither normal nor acceptable,” he continued. “A person should not have to travel hundreds or thousands of miles to receive basic health care.”

~ Nick Robertson

Oh, I guess it's just that voice again...

Why even read anything? Why even be literate? Why not just give people degrees for being as stubborn as possible? (Or degrees for believing that being like that supposedly behooves them, even though, in fact, it actually doesn't?)

The 2040s should not be like the 1940s, right?

Even if you're older now, you might be young again, living in a whole new body when it comes to the 2040s, and what kind of world will that be?

Let me be the first to admit that I've also had my own moments of immaturity.

And if saying something like "well do you think the people y'all made excuses for are gonna look like a bunch of Nazis tomorrow? I hope they're not going to say it's my fault" is one of them, so be it.

"MAGA pastor Robert Morris’ sexual abuse scandal underscores the right’s hypocrisy on LGBTQ people

Megachurch leader Robert Morris, who has served as religious adviser to Trump, confessed to 'inappropriate sexual behavior' after a woman accused him of molesting her starting when she was 12."

This is fear, too, yes? And yet, it's also more considerate of others.

 "I fear for the rights and bodies of those like me and those who are less fortunate.”

~ A young person in the study

"Adolescent Awareness of the Changing Legal Landscape"

From an article by Julie Maslowsky

"Abortion bans are changing what it means to be young in America"

Why not find some new ways of being?

There are people who act like they were trained to oppress others for no good reason except out of a general addiction to some learned patterns of fearfulness they got roped into going along with just because of the messages they got from some outer sources, and they actually are also not being so nice to themselves. 

Maybe some people will be more inspired to change their outlooks tomorrow.

 "These restrictions are affecting how young people think about voting, where they should choose to live, study and work, and how to control their fertility. Abortion restrictions may also have serious impacts on young people’s mental health."

~ Julie Maslowsky

Why do some people seem to intend to make things worse for themselves? It's really not healthy for society.

"Abortion bans are changing what it means to be young in America"

No matter how much some people intend to continue with that "still too oppressed to not continue to be oppressive" sugarcoating

I still feel like the Patriarchal Society of this era has been way too violent and oppressive for far too many, and I think it's gonna look that way to a lot of people in the future too.

This is a way of communicating dissatisfaction with current patriarchal norms alongside the intent of encouraging more people to start expecting much better for much greater numbers of people.

It's like, quit pretending for short term gains just to get by when better things are possible, and maybe better things are already occurring in some places.

Is societal progress happening in OUR ERA?

Check out the drug testing kit law, eh?

"Don’t get roofied! Drink spiking drug test kits available here. Ask a staff member for details."

"New California laws go into effect on July 1"


You most certainly have been in environments where feminism was the most verboten of all topics, and honestly, that's kind of crazy!

Okay, I will!

They say there's a longer version to watch that's even funnier!

"Comedy's all about timing"

Flowers grow in the dirt, too.

Something to remember if you ever feel as if you rolled around in the dirt...I've rolled around in the dirt and feel as though I need to dust myself off and take a shower...

I'm quite curious about this book.

"Paula Fox's 'The Widow’s Children' Is A Masterclass'

I've read several things by her, but never heard of "The Widow's Children." Was thinking about this author recently for some reason. Well several reasons, not least of which was when she was alive, and what else she wrote about...

What kinds of dreams are possible next

Flowers, everywhere, flowers...all the things you thought you had to give up just because there's been suffering on the planet...but how silly the essences of the flowers would find that to be...isn't it funny?

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Perhaps it is also VERY fatherly to say "The stakes are too high to stay silent."

It seems possible.

"'An insane level of hate': Texas radio host on response he's received to story of wife's miscarriage"


Patriarchal people have so much work to do!

What if every one was constantly having the same kinds of nightmares based on all the different types of traumatic experiences? Well, it's now time to move into the next segment of the day (and of life).

When you know that societal tolerance of misogyny has also been a very mean and nasty experience for some dads, too...

You might feel that going along with continuing those patterns which are really not very equitable or healthy or nonviolent has also not been good enough for the sons, either... 

About to go to the store...

"Why are food prices out of control?" | The Coffee Klatch with Robert Reich featuring Michael Pollan

“Give me your tired, your poor, your fathers..."

So, when I was a little kid, I played with this other little kid a couple times, and then one time, when I was an adult, he came down to my apartment and he was wearing, like, this mask, as if he was one of the carpenters doing  renovations there or something, and just before he left, he turned to glance my way, as if to say:

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...”

Or, wait, maybe it was that other guy...


Are you 100% positive that you guys aren't going to be traumatized by the patriarchy and seeking out all the alternative health remedies in order to just, like, function and get through another day in your next lifetime. Are you? Are you sure, are you really sure, are you absolutely, completely, 100% completely positive.


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Useful to know.

My body will not be having me hang out with folks who are so entrenched in Patriarchal Cults that I get nightmares.

Okay, that's true.

Your body is tense. You are being sad and could let yourself get better at relaxing now. 

"X doesn't like looking at the Shadow Work Journal."

 Then tell x that x doesn't have to look at it.

"Shadow Work Journals should be secret."

That's not what everyone thinks now; nor will it be what everyone thinks in eighty or a hundred years.

And I guess it's also not the euphemistic 1950s

"Aunt Anna lived alone with her nieces until Trudy and Hilde were married. Then she moved into an orphanage and raised the children who were born to Austrian mothers and soldiers of the Army of Occupation."

Epilogue on page 261

As the Waltz Was Ending by Emma Macalik Butterworth

It's not medieval times.

"Invisible Women, Invisible Problems"

Hurry up, make a video about what the sons hear, it's also pretty interesting

"Video shows 80 years of subtle sexism in 2 minutes"

They now confess that it actually wasn't good for the sons, either...

"Forced by their friends and society to act like they hated certain kinds of  girls and women in order to fit in better with Patriarchal Societal Norms..."

Is that going to be more boring to the grandchildren?

"How to make your own children treat certain types of girls and women worse in order to accommodate your strangely lavish lifestyle."

Sexism is not nice at all.

May the great grandchildren treat all the different kinds of humans so much better than what their forebears were taught was acceptable at the time.

"For health reasons"

"How to find to find a cult which doesn't force you to pander to Patriarchal People's seriously sexist attitudes in order to make a living."

Huh. The inconvenience.

Sexist guy's wife doesn't like you because shes forced by the patriarchal training she received to be like that.

Sorry, Petrified Patriarchal Person.

"All my sexist and racist friends who also act like I am far more important than certain kinds of children and other types of other human beings who don't enjoy as many freedoms as they enjoy are still being rewarded for that kind of behavior and it's SO weird, as if they were raised to be afraid and allergic to the idea of other people deserving actual human rights or something."

Does this sound like a good way to use millions of dollars?

"Farms Get $50 Million to Help Hire Migrants"

It is early, and I need to go back to sleep! But better dreams this time, I hope.

Certain Categories of People Pleasers Can Really Be Such Nightmarish Experiences.

I just had a very bad dream.

It was about Mr. Insensitive Sexist Rich Guy Getting By In Life By Doing All The Mentally Ill Things That The Selfish Patriarchal Ones Wanted Him To Do, Again....Sigh!

Later. Humans need naps. It's true. They have nervous systems to take care of.

I'll think about it later.

Isn't it kind of weird?

Gettysburg (no not that word) I mean, getting ideas about how sometimes people from different backgrounds are the ones having the  abilities to listen to different points of view, for some reason?

Thursday, June 13, 2024

What a character!

Catherine Tate - "Mommy I'm Gay"

~ Wevles AKC

In the words of others, Oh HELL no

Gotta go drop out of school, perform loads of unpaid labor, and act like men are the most important creatures on the planet NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO.

I am not looking forward to that

Wait til they start acting like the kids who pick the most cherries in rising temperatures are the most valuable to the society made great again.

Or maybe there's better alternatives?

Alert the youth, it's the end of an era

Or don't, but get ready to reincarnate.

"MAGA wants to close the border. Are they prepared to be our next crop of farmworkers?

There are more than 300 companies in Florida now that employ foreign workers legally to pick crops in the state. We’re going to need to replace them with you, dear citizen."

~ Frank Cerabino

I just don't know how much longer that's going to be tolerated, and how is it going to look to the Future Generations?

"I am absolutely determined to keep on acting like X types of human beings are the only ones who TRULY MATTER."

Amazingly Unhealthy For Humanity, Unfortunately

"It really amazes me how unempathetic we have become as a society."

(And also, the lack of caring that has become normalized for some people in regards to the people who are actually starving in other places is not too good, either.)

I should discover more of the works on her album...

"I also knew I wanted to have some German lyrics in there as I'm half German and also because Germany was the country with the most witches burned and executed."

"Kiki Rockwell on ‘Rituals On The Bank Of A Familiar River'"

"Burn Your Village (Same Old Energy pt.II) - Official Video"

~ Kiki Rockwell

It was kind of funny how these three stacked up together when I clicked on the first one!

"Do Plants Have Sexes?"

"Why Was Nazi Germany Called the Third Reich?"

"Why Is Pride Month Celebrated in June?"

Sometimes, it's not such a bad thing to have someone around who expects better.

It's just shocking and surprising what some people will get roped into doing and what patterns they will get convinced to keep on repeating. Especially when it's the people you wouldn't have expected to do that.

"Nevertheless, don't repeat the pattern."

"They are very offended that you are very offended."

"However, you will not be repeating the pattern."

At least they're not in Germany one hundred years ago...

They are not discriminating against certain categories of people because it's "what's good for the children." They are discriminating against people because that's what the patriarchy wanted them to do, and that's what they got rewarded for doing, and they have become addicted to repeating the pattern that was offered to them.

That's very resilient and reasonable.

Categories of human beings that the Patriarchal Ones wanted certain people to discriminate against just keep on being in the world anyways.

Dour Sour Flower Power Surprises Resigned To Reign Supreme Rage Stage State Status Updates

"So-and-so gets it. I bet Someone Else gets it, too!"

(Gets a new message.)

"So-and-so definitely understands, but Someone Else is not quite there yet."

This guy was himself flawed, but talented. Who was he hanging out with?

"Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don’t mean to do harm, but the harm [that they cause] does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.”

~ TS Eliot, The Cocktail Party

(And he changed, and you're going to change as well, because that's just what happens, eventually!)

(Found as a result of an interesting online experience.)

(It was also pointed out that sometimes people are intentionally causing harm, which is a bit more complicated.)

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Humans would also have nothing to eat without other humans.

"Farmworkers on the Central Coast Push for Livable Wage

Report Shows Low Wages and Dangerous Conditions for Agricultural Workers in Santa Barbara County"

Wow, humans would have nothing to eat without plants!

"Do Plants Have Sexes?" | Britannica,contain%20eggs%20known%20as%20ovules).

Ah, that is more accurate.

"'Unicorn’ kitten, born intersex, adopted..."

A higher percentage of the population than the percentage of Jewish people in certain European countries before WWII.

All the grandparents of the intersex grandchildren in the future are going to be really feeling very blessed. Oops, I accidentally mistyped 'intersex,' and look what came up instead?

"Redfin Report: 89% of People With Mortgages Have a..."

But I was thinking more about 

"The percentage of Jews of the total population did not differ very much and was low in all three countries: 0.75% of the French and Belgian population, and 1.5% of the Dutch population."

"The Netherlands: the greatest number of Jewish victims in Western Europe"

"Experts estimate that up to 1.7 percent of the population are born with intersex traits."

"Intersex people" | OHCHR,are%20born%20with%20intersex%20traits.

There's a's painful, but interesting.

He's good at demonstrating how easily people can get sucked into a misogynistic cult mentality.

"Trump Is a Misogynist’s Ideal Feminist"

Isn't it wonderful!

I am so excited for all the spiritual growth that the Creator is bestowing upon Humanity.

I am still fortunate to live in a good place.

I have the less beneficial insomnia, and I think if the universe helps me discover more messages about, say, the beauty of nature, that's probably a nicer-to-the-nervous system situation. It's possible I overdo it with overthinking about stressful topics sometimes. "The Body Keeps The Score," they say. Time to get better at relaxing.

Dear Old Patriarchy, there you are. (Again.)

Well, you have made your own literary contributions to the world. Life goes on.

I was reading that Emma Macalik Butterworth's husband (ex-husband, eventually) was an associate of Carlo D'Este, who was a friend of my stepfather's, and I realized that I don't know if he read Griffin, or if I ever showed him As The Waltz Was Ending.  He was Irish but seemed so fond of German culture. Loved classical music, musicals, military music, and all kinds of music, honestly. I think I would probably read D'Este before Griffin, but I have read neither. They have all passed away now, you know. If they come back (I feel that they are good candidates for returning) what sort of people might they be?

I had a nice evening with a laid-back woman who is a friend. When I talked with her, I began to feel better, and we looked at oracle cards, and and she told me my demeanor changes and I light up when I talk more about flowers or nature, and it helps me feel like I am more renewed and on a new path again.

Good night.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

I wonder if anyone alive today would know

Which young lady wearing a pretty dress and a blond wig with curls might be the future Emma Macalik Butterworth?

1945 Wiener Mรคdeln (Willi Forst) : Free Download,

"When The Viennese Girls, the first film we had made, was finished and released, Marcella, Frau Jensen, and my mother and I went to see it. They were all excited to see me on the screen.

I looked all right, I thought, in the pretty costume and wearing the blonde wig with long curls, but I realized that the movie business didn't really excite me as much as the ballet did." ~ pg 215

As the waltz was ending : Butterworth Emma M

Many lives, different coping mechanisms

Many coping mechanisms that people use today will need updating, and there will be new formulas to help many different kinds of people find better ways of navigating life's challenges.

And there's a human fragility about that tendency.

If being so lucky or better at fitting in (for some people) just makes some people feel more emboldened to unsee or discriminate against certain kinds of other people, do you also need to copy that pattern? That's actually not a very healthy way of bonding, and it's not so empowering as other, healthier ways could be. 

Reads so much...

"I looked at myself carefully in the mirror and liked what I saw. I looked like the girl on the BDM poster, copies of which had been put up all over the city. And when I walked out of the dressing room Frau Muller and Lotte both said I looked very pretty.

'We'll want the jacket too,' Frau Muller announced. I was delighted. I hadn't expected that. The BDM uniform jacket was a waist-length brown suede garment with BDM buttons. 

Then came the insignia. 

From one of the glass cases Frau Mueller picked out three identical small porcelain-on-metal insignia. Like the BDM flags, they had a red diamond with a black swastika on a white background. One pin went on the right shirt pocket, the second on the jacket, and the third on the beret. 

'Now let's get her the shoes,' Lotte said, ordering the saleswoman around like her mother did."

E. Butterworth, page 150 of As The Waltz Was Ending 

A few pages later...

Saved by her talent and by other adults!

"Frau Dertl came into the dressing room sixty seconds after I had, clapped her hands to get our attention, and demanded:

'Have any of you been approached by the BDM?'

With one or two exceptions, the girls raise their hands. 

'And how many of you have joined it?' 

Almost half of the class raised their hands. I could see from Fraud Dertl's face that she wasn't pleased at all. But at least, I thought, I wasn't going to be alone 

'We don't have time for such things,' Frau Dertl went on. 'Our work comes first. The government recognizes this. The management will give each of you a letter explaining that you are not to be recruited for the BDM or anything else.'

E. Butterworth, Page 155 - 156. And further on down...

"I held out the letter from the Opera. Fraulein Heller snatched it from my hand, opened the envelope, and read the letter. 

She didn't like what she read and she correctly suspected that. I was delighted to be in the position I was. But there was nothing Fraulein Heller could do about a decision by the Reichsminister for Propaganda, Dr. Josef Goebbels. Goebbels had decreed that, among other 'German' cultural treasures, the Vienna State Opera was considered to be so important to the New Germany that its members were exempt from all Nazi party-sponsored 'Volunteer' activities.

'Emmy,' Fraulein Heller announced a moment later to the rest of the class, 'has special duties for the State, which will not permit her to be in the BDM, much as we all know she would like to be.'"

E. Butterworth, page 157

As the waltz was ending : Butterworth Emma M

Life can be shocking. Traumatizing, even.

For instance, it can actually be quite shocking to realize how mean some people can get just because they encounter someone else who has not had the same status or privilege that they've been the recipient of in this lifetime.

Limited POV: 1920s to 2120s Anxieties

"What if the cults are also not so nice to certain kinds of children in the 2120s? What if history repeats itself? What if that means the cult members of today might actually be reincarnated into the bodies of all the kinds of people that their Patriarchal Culture wanted them to not be so great to in the 2020s? What if that happens again? Isn't that disturbing."

I love reading history articles on lunch breaks. Who doesn't?

"In June of 1924, researchers with the National Child Labor Committee spread out across Mesa, Montrose and Delta counties, talking to families whose children — some as young as six years old — worked as farm laborers." 


"Child labor and migrant living conditions were a major concern 100 years ago"

"'It is outdoor work in pure air, in contrast to the indoor work of child labor in the sweat shops of the cities,' the paper said. 'The children are working for or with their parents in contrast to working under strange bosses in factories.'

Even so, the 1924 report from Mesa, Montrose and Delta counties found that 'The children who worked in beets had a lower median age than that found in any other crop,' just over 12 years old. Roughly a quarter of the children working in beet fields were from six to nine years old.

Additionally, the report said, 'The work day was longer in beets than any other crops, the average for all children being 10 hours per day.'

Furthermore, a larger percentage of contract migrant workers — mostly people who had come directly from Mexico or were descendants of Mexican immigrants, but also German-Russians — worked in sugar beets than any other crop. 

In contrast, more than 80 percent of child workers in fruit orchards of the time were children of orchard owners or those who rented orchards. Only 2.2 percent were contract or migrant workers. The work day for children in fruit production was measurably shorter as well, averaging 8.6 hours a day. And there were no children working in fruit under nine years of age."


BRAT love is number 9, a magnetic and magical number (for some.)

"The 8 Types Of Love And What They Mean For You"

Life in a Patriarchal Culture can be very strange.

Regardless of the regards and to whom they are delivered...

You'll be hanging out with that friend of yours who is a mom who had two children, and sadly, she lost one of them, and yet for some reason she has no problem listening to you talk about your experiences.

And you also wonder, based on their behaviors, whether some of the other parents of the 2020s would ever want to listen to her, either?

Maybe it's better to say, the more sensitive you are, the stranger certain people's choices can seem to you, sometimes.

ALL ages might be interested!

"BRATS is not about the U.S. military - it's about their children, who grow up in a paradox that is idealistic and authoritarian, privileged and perilous, supportive and stifling - all at the same time. Their passports say 'United States,' but they're really citizens of the world."

I felt like I understood this passage better when I read it this time around.

"Your violin-playing husband, Anna, and a Mannerheim inmate (the Mannerheim was Vienna's refuge of last resort for unemployed men who were totally without assets), an upper Austrian petite bourgeois (Viennese felt vastly superior to upper Austrians regarding them if unfairly as dull, plotting peasants), are going to lead us like Moses to the promised land," my father said. 

"Why don't you say 'just a corporal,' too?" Uncle Otto said. 

"All right," my father said. "An upper Austrian petite bourgeois corporal is going to lead us to the land of milk and honey. And in the meantime, turn us all into Germans. That's the real miracle. I don't have one drop of German blood in me, but he's going to make me into a German."

Page 93, As the Waltz Was Ending by E. B.


"How to tell if alligators in the water..."


"#Ireland The Irish Mammy & Tiktok #shorts"

~ HeyitsStuart

"If you wanna love Trump, love him....but just stop framing it as patriotism"

~ John Stewart

"StuartMacKey (Taylor's version)

He should be in movies, eh?

How could I not?

REM - "Losing my religion"

This song came out when I started learning about some of history's worst atrocities!

Shiny, happy...

Culty people on both sides holding hands...

REM - "Shiny happy people"

Forging new bonds and finding comfort in acknowledging the commonality of their desires to meet their human needs!

I wonder why this photograph reminded me of an artist.

"Mojave Desert ghost town Amboy fights to survive..."

"Edward Hopper’s ‘Nighthawks’ Captures the Isolation of American Modernity"

When it comes to humans suffering from an addiction to patriarchal standards, where is the rehabilitation?

"Amphetamines Widely Used On Both Sides In WW2"

Bizarre Patriarchal Standards

"Especially now as a coach, I see a lot of other coaches do worse and a lot of them are unfortunately male and they’re fine.”

— Gaby Vatkin

"Former head coach suing Mt. SAC for gender discrimination"

"Mt. SAC coach accused of sexual abuse to remain employed school says

The lawsuit is preceded by four others"

Monday, June 10, 2024

Kinda funny too. Cat! Purring! Okay, I pet her, I put phone down.

"How to Spot a Cult" | Sarah Edmondson | TED

Quotable, quotable, quotable.

 "My worldview got more narrow." 

~ Sarah Edmondson

" Cults survive by disguising themselves as something wonderful"

 ~ Sarah Edmondson

" You don't even have to use the word cult"

~ Sarah Edmondson

"How to Spot a Cult" | Sarah Edmondson | TED

How come Mosavi was treated so much worse than Movsesian? And is Jane Elliott's eye color thing still popular?

"Minority Male Initiative"

"Former Student Files Lawsuit Against Mt. SAC – SAC Media"

"2023 Mt  SAC Alumnus of the Year Sona Movsesian"

"Jane Elliott" - Wikipedia

Some eye colors seem to change depending the color shirt you're wearing that day.