Thursday, June 27, 2024

Let's circle back now.

"Growing up in Southern Georgia in a big household as one of seven girls, Jenny Mitchell, 34, had always dreamed of raising a family of her own. This goal was shattered one fateful day after a visit to the hospital. 'I'd been going to a fertility specialist to try to have kids because it's something that I'd always wanted. While getting a vaginal ultrasound, my doctor noticed something unusual on my uterine lining. I got tested, and three days later, I got the call saying I had adenocarcinoma, which is uterine cancer,' she tells Refinery29. 'I had to undergo a full hysterectomy to treat it, which was devastating — devastating because it literally took away that dream of mine to have kids and experience motherhood.'"

~ Hannah Uguru

"Why This Black Woman Is Suing Hair Relaxer Brands"

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