Saturday, June 29, 2024

Who reads? Or cares?

"What is there to be gained by people of color, especially when they join movements that profess to regard them as inferior?"

"It’s better to think of it in terms of intent instead of skin color. The concept of white supremacy could be ideological — a belief that white people are somehow superior — or it could be simply an expression of what subgroup is powerful in the country, so the attraction to white dominance in this culture is an attraction to power.  In the history of white supremacist groups in the United States, you often see people with Jewish backgrounds who are attracted to them, or African Americans. And part of that is that they want to be seen as associated with power, or by their association they believe they can be protected from the racist abuse these groups might otherwise dole out. Humans are complex. As an undercover agent, I came across a lot of violent people. So being attracted to a violent white supremacist group might be a way of just expressing their anger and exploring their interest in committing violence."      

~ Mireya Navarro and Michael German

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