Thursday, June 27, 2024

It would be very interesting to see a science project about this.

"Mitchell's story represents a wider public health crisis disproportionately impacting Black women, who report the highest rates of chemical hair straightener use and, in the strongest formulations. The use of these products have not only been linked to uterine cancer deaths but also uterine fibroids, both conditions in which Black women are overrepresented. Accordingly, around 42 per 10,000 women are hospitalised annually because of fibroids in the US; for white women, this incidence rate is 18, shooting up to a staggering 68 per 10,000 for Black women. Myomectomy and hysterectomy rates for Black women are also higher compared to all women. In fact, the risk factors for Black women are so high that "African ancestry is considered a key risk factor for the development of fibroids" by most researchers."

~ Hannah Uguru

"Why This Black Woman Is Suing Hair Relaxer Brands..."

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