Tuesday, September 19, 2023

How Reason~able.

How to watch "Maid" again on Netflix.

"9 best Netflix miniseries to binge-watch over a weekend"


That's reasonable, isn't it?

"How to help your kids make better choices than what's his face made" wasn't nice enough and "You go girl, you can stand up to that bully" just made her run to all his friends who find ways to make excuses for a variety of gray area abuses, (and those are just "gray area" by today's standards in certain circles, by the way.)

Would they be half as tempted to make so many excuses for immature abusive B.S. if any strange, poor, unseen laborers were doing it to anyone in their circle of acquaintances (not to other unseen people in their designated potato patches)...uh, probably not, right?

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