Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Sam got sweets, but it didn't make it better for him.

"His sister's silence was interspersed with brave but unconvincing attempts to reassure him that she was fine. They reached Dukla and were directed to the headquarters of the Gestapo, the former mayor's villa. The guard fetched another Nazi official, Finke, who to Sam's astonishment greeted them warmly. Finke seemed surprised to see them. He had forgotten all about what he had said to Feigele. He smiled at Sam, gave him some sweets and told him to wait outside and guard their horse. Sam was frightened. He hated leaving his sister. He also felt very silly. Finke had forgotten his order and 'we had walked into the jaws of the lion like two dumb rabbits.'

The minutes dragged by. Sam circled the horse. An hour passed and more. Eventually Feigele emerged. She looked unhurt, but was in tears and wouldn't speak all the way home. The next day, Sam overhead his grandmother saying that she was 'very much afraid that Feigele had been raped' by several of the Nazis at the headquarters" (192).

~ D. Cadbury

The School That Escaped the Nazis

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