Tuesday, August 27, 2019

This is a silly old song.

It was on the radio and made me wish an old friend was there (because she loved to make fun of it.)



I had an idle thought that someone with her sense of humor would be nice to have around if I ever needed to visit a hospital...in fact, when I was younger and bleeding profusely (almost needing a blood tranfusion, sick and anemic for weeks afterwards) she did come to the hospital with me.

So glad I wasn't alone then.

Over the weekend I learned that some attentive people have come up with names for some things.



The gift of the internet is it will eventually deliver something helpful to you.

Knowledge is everything.

Maybe I can care for myself and make some changes that help me be a happier and healthier person.

Maybe for some of us, the depression, physical pain, PMDD. etc. would get better if society made significant changes and started respecting diverse experiences of many different people.

Wouldn't it have been nice to have learned about a lot of these things decades ago?

Just imagine what people could know more about in ten, twenty, fifty, one hundred years...

What else is there to learn about?

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