Sunday, August 18, 2019

I'd like to see less selfishness

"Mena said many of the Guatemalan immigrants in his congregation come to the U.S. because of a lack of jobs in their home country. A prolonged drought has devastated the farming industry there. More recent immigrants are also fleeing violence and extortion from narcotics traffickers, he said.

To come to a land of opportunity, the man had to leave his family behind and journey across an expanse of desert.

Later, he met his wife in the U.S. They lived near each other and began talking. They had a lot in common because she faced similar hardships in her immigration from Mexico.

He said he loves that during challenging times, she's calm. She's the type of person who gets things done and helps him remain calm as well, he said.

Now, she's behind bars."

~ A. Zhu

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