Monday, August 19, 2019

A Forest, MS story

"An undocumented Guatemalan woman, Maura, didn’t go to work—and didn’t get arrested—because her 16-year-old son was sick with a stomachache. She stayed to care for him and later took him to the hospital, where the doctors told her they had to remove his appendix. Right around then, she remembered, her little brother called and told her he had been picked up by ICE. Her son spent the next two days in the hospital recovering from his appendectomy, which, she explained apologetically, was why she had waited until Sunday to try to locate and help her brother, whom she has not heard from since that Wednesday.

Maura hesitated even to contemplate the alternate reality where she went to work on Aug. 7. 'If they’d detained me that day, I don’t know what would have happened with my son, dying at home, him not knowing about me, me not knowing about him.'"

~ H. Graber

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