Sunday, August 25, 2019

Pain brings new knowledge sometimes

A simple graphic introduced me to Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.

As a society, we have far to go...

"The social stigma can be incredibly isolating, and other women with periods don’t always relate. “It’s like ‘you should be stronger, that’s not an excuse.’”

~ S. Barrett - Ibarria

I am sorry they haven't been more understanding.

After years of navigating her recurring physical and emotional symptoms, Coffey said she learned to prioritize self-care and developed a greater sense of compassion for herself and her pain. Though it’s still a struggle every month, she makes an effort to be kind to her body, which gets her through the toughest days. “PMDD is not a death sentence,” Coffey said. “It’s just another way you have to live life a little bit carefully.”

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