Monday, April 17, 2017

I might have to watch it all?

Almost Live! vs The Northwest

At 0:37 he disses Renton and I lived there in a house by some neighbors with really mean dogs and the basement flooded when it rained and the landlord was Haitian and the Hispanic guys he hired never finished painting the house so it was white with brown streaks showing through and the blackberries were aggressive and the former shut-in left her old stuff there, like a book from the nineteen-teens on how to give a party and how to educate your kids about the pilgrims and how to sew and I would not be the same person if I hadn't of live there. HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT. Also my mom's boyfriend had a good CD collection.

This was just a minor interruption:

I made it past the five minute mark and it was worth it. 6:11 ~ The guy who made that tofu was my neighbor...

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