Sunday, May 08, 2016

M & M

I felt like Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters was playing in my head for some reason after a weird tea shop experience...I gave a chair to another table and the woman who took it was quite haughty.
She talked about her husband chastising her for being jealous and said things in Spanish like "estupido" and "bolsa" (looking at my bag, purse). When I looked over at her she smirked and walked right in front of my table as her friends laughed and said it again. She did it like 3 or 4 times. I haven't a clue as to the particulars of what she was really talking about or why because my Spanish eavedropping skills seem to have diminished. All I could make out was bits of gossip "Ella es guapa, pero Maria es bonita." OH. Almost Famous, that's what movie that was in...

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