Sunday, June 07, 2015


Had a nice bout of self care today.  I actually found decent clothing for a good price! Sure, I tried on 5x more things than I actually wanted to, but that's just the way clothes shopping works for some people. I was a child once and didn't worry too much about my size. Sadly, though, there were times that I did, even at a young age, thanks to certain messages projected at me, but still. There were also times when I let go of that!

It's good to go back to a more carefree mindset...people who struggle with body issues based on their genetics really need to give themselves self-care...sometimes it's more important to do that.

That's why I don't go on message boards about PCOS a's good that they exist, but sometimes seeing all that grief about body issues and infertility can really get you down. I know some people want to throw themselves off a cliff about those kinds of things, because of the narrow messages that society gives them about the worth of women.  That is not nurturing, and I know my spirit is not supposed to be confined by those things.

In the words of an old song, "Don't do me like that."

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