Monday, December 05, 2011

In which I rediscover

a writer. Omigosh, I bought this book, The Night My Mother Met Bruce Lee (that's not the same cover), when I was younger and thinner and in my twenties-er, from a temporary big box type discount bookstore and life was so different back then...As I read, it I was vaguely thinking about thinness and this ballerina figure I'm making into a circus girl for a project in Illustrator (so tedious, the shadows and color schemes, yet also rewarding) and thinking about drinking that ballerina tea...I was drinking a different kind of tea...and found this NPR story, It's called Along For The Ride...ack! they talk about food and begins with her saying "The only time I ever hiked alone, I was attacked...ever since that day I've been terrified with nature and obsessed with survival...I had to learn to feel comfortable in nature..." Ack! Sometimes rediscovery is just so ACK! But it's a...pleasant ack? And also. If the world was different, there's some people who would be more famous. I didn't mean to sound like a Cathy comic. It's not like that. But for some reason it keeps coming out, that expression. ACK! So why...
P.S.--Human Behavior

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