Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Current Interests

Comic books. I did not read them so much. Only when I was really young, I liked some, because they were gifts from my Dad. I learned about the bad guy vs. the good guy. Superman. Wonderwoman. Neil Gaiman's are available in the small local library.
The first time I went on the internet, during my senior year of highschool, a classmate/friend and I talked to some guy who called himself Morpheus. Me and my friend were cool with each other in real life (I have fond memories of her, I wish I knew what happened to her) but I guess we-or I?-acted more competitive on the computer. She was also more witty than I was online. "Morpheus" from the island of "Cypress" seemed to point this out in a way that I found annoying, I remember that! It seems more funny now. I think he might've gotten his name from these comics.
And at another library, I'm on the waiting list for Comic Book Tattoo.
Otherwise--refocusing on health and changing eating patterns. More than that. I like to cook, if it's simple. Or if I'm in the mood, I can be more complicated.
Gosh, how funny it is to read the things that came out in my youth, that I'd never bothered noticing until now.

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