Thursday, September 16, 2010

In addition to other things...

Today I walked to a park to read about typography and then took a break from that with a comic book. As I was lying on my blanket, a yippie little dog (I really should learn dog breeds--it had gold fur and a pointy face) without a leash, but wearing a harness, approached me. It stopped and gave me a stare. The wind ruffled the leaves of the typography book. The dog ran away and began to bark. (Or, yip.) It did this for a while, even though I was just being still and reading, and then got closer again and started barking (yipping) some more. I was a little bit worried about it, but I also was not in the mood to get bitten, so I told the dog to cut it out. It listened and went away, peed on some trees, then eventually left the park. Hopefully it's owner was nearby, maybe it wandered away from one of the houses.

Now I'm home. I looked at this author's blog. It's kind of neat to read something that someone you just read wrote this very day. The comic book I began to look at in the park was an older one about Calliope, which was a surprise. I didn't know which one I'd brought with me 'til I got there.

I was not big on comic books when I was younger, but now they interest me. I saw that there is going to be a convention on them soon. I said to my bellissimo friend, hmmm, maybe I should go to that. He said that it would be full of VERY nerdy guys. (He can't really talk, he would probably fit right in.) But he said "are you SURE," with a very intense eyeball look, in such a way that I began to think "Hmmm...I dunno..." I began to wonder if there would be such an aura of male nerdiness that it would be overwhelming or fatiguing. Is it really so revolting to women (or, to "someone like me") to go to them? What if I take to my deathbed and find I have a strange regret that I have never attended a comic book convention?

The other thing, though, is the lack of extra spending money, or even money for bills at the moment! So, we shall see...what shall we have for dinner?

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