Saturday, July 10, 2010

Out of Time

Introducing...a book.
Began it in the van of a Wegman's parking lot while beagle-sitting during a heat wave. Read most of it today, after a busy morning, and after attempting to sort through boxes, when the ground shifted like the deck of a ship under my feet. I decided it was time to take a break.
It was great to read on the tail end of my trip to upstate New York.
Out of Time by Paula Martinac.
I revisited Our Home Library in Johnson City. I combed the Young Adult section for a book I can't quite remember the title of. Me the moon my ass....something. It was about a girl who has a weight problem and her brother does something bad when he goes to college and their parents overindulge/excuse him but she doesn't. Well, I didn't find it. But there was an intense reader there. A young woman, probably a teenager. She looked Mexican to me, but maybe that's just because I'm going to be heading closer to Mexican/Californian culture. She was soooo intense about the book scrutiny and I think later maybe she was poring through some CDs or DVDs. I admired the intensity.

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