Thursday, August 12, 2004


At Theology on Tap, the speaker's topic was "Relationships." She said that some people have beer stein sized capacity for emotions, talking, feelings, etc. And some people have shot glass sized capacity. Then, some people have wine glass sized capacity. (But she says they're fooling themselves. She told us that she is a beer stein.) Not like I can relate to that at all (ha ha)...sometimes, I feel like asking, hey, excuse me, but did my beer pitcher full of ideas/emotions/whatever that I just dumped out overwhelm your empty shot glass? But of course, I'm probably a shot glass too (sometimes.)

The speaker also made a lot of references to highschool. "I realize you all aren't in highschool anymore but..."

Highschool memory:

I was with a small group of friends at Shoney's. A blindingly attractive young man sat across from me and sipped his coffee. We were all about 16 or 17. He told us about the first time he had sex (on a kitchen counter). I knew the girl; she was short, pretty, thin, stylish, large breasted, flirtatious. I met her on the first day of school; shortly thereafter, she told me that she was obsessed with death. She said that she was attracted to this guy, more than she was to her sort of boyfriend. Her sort of boyfriend visited her in the hospital after she O.D.ed and said "I try to keep telling you that you should love yourself, but you won't listen." The blindingly attractive guy felt bad because they broke the sink.

Maybe he wasn't all that blindingly attractive. I could be exaggerating, for effect.

The other day, some friends and I found some pictures of ourselves from freshman year of college. "Look how thin we were! You look amazing. Wow. I was hot! Isn't it funny how so and so looks so different from when we were in highschool? And so and so looks older, but almost exactly the same..."

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