Saturday, September 28, 2024

Veterans of the Unwell Patriarchal Society have many different kinds of stories

"Historically, birth outcomes for Black women in Orangeburg County, where Marsh lost her pregnancy, have ranked among the worst in South Carolina. From 2020 through 2022, the average mortality rate for Black infants born in Orangeburg County was more than three times as high as the average rate for white infants statewide.

Today, Marsh is still trying to process all that happened. She moved back in with her parents and is seeing a therapist. She is taking classes at a local community college and hopes to reenroll at South Carolina State University to earn a four-year degree. She still wants to become a doctor. She keeps her daughter’s ashes on a bookshelf in her bedroom.

'Through all of this, I found my strength. I found my voice. I want to help other young women that are in my position now and will be in the future,' she said. 'I always had faith that God was going to be on my side, but I didn’t know how it was going to go with the justice system we have today.'"

~ Lauren Sausser, KFF Health News

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