Monday, June 24, 2024

This reminded me of something else disgusting that I read about.

"Over the weekend, at two campaign events, Donald Trump bragged to audiences about another of his big 'ideas,' this one presented to his friend Dana White, the head of the Ultimate Fighting Championship. 'Dana,' Trump said he suggested, 'why don’t you set up a migrant league of fighters and have your regular league of fighters, and then you have the champion of your league—these are the greatest fighters in the world—fight the champion of the migrants?' This anecdote was in addition to his usual routine: claiming, erroneously, that migrants are violent, mentally ill criminals, while riling up his crowds with talk of mass deportations."

~ Xochitl Gonzalez

"Trump and the ‘Champion of the Migrants’"

I feel like I don't want to think too much more about it.

"Among the lesser-known atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis during World War II were boxing matches that forced emaciated Jewish inmates to fight each other to the death for the entertainment of the German SS officers.

Like gladiatorial contests in the Roman Empire, these could go on interminably until one bare-knuckled fighter left the other bloodied and unconscious, so weakened he was useless as a slave laborer and would be hauled off to a gas chamber or crematorium or shot on the spot. While the officers cheered the winner, his prize might be an extra dollop of food so he could have the strength to fight again.

Whatever satisfaction the winner felt easing his hunger pangs, he had to grapple with his guilt at doing his tormentor’s bidding by brutally killing another person, usually another Jew. Yet like the protagonist of 'Sophie’s Choice,' he was in an impossible dilemma: If he lost, it was he who would likely have been killed."

~ Joseph Berger

‘The Survivor’ Delves Into Harry Haft’s Boxing Dilemma

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