Sunday, June 23, 2024

Hey, cheer up, it's Sunday, and the Lord probably has a sense of humor?

 "If it were possible to die from cringe, LinkedIn's demented hustle culture and vapid thought leadership would be the terminating trigger."

~ Emma Jacobs 

LinkedIn’s makeover lacks one thing: humour (

"Tom - 9 Hours Ago

What to expect from a congregation of corporate drones who mainly like posts of their bosses and colleagues while announcing to the world that they've completed a course or got a promotion."

LinkedIn’s makeover lacks one thing: humour (

"Mateo - 9 Hours Ago

Great article, thank you. Nothing more tragic than LinkedIn posts these days.It's the ones where men do their humble brags about being a great father that kill me most. If you're so great, how about getting off LinkedIn and actually spending that time with your kids?"

LinkedIn’s makeover lacks one thing: humour (

It's entirely possible that they'll much be better about acknowledging all their gratitude towards whoever made whatever they're doing possible in the not-too-distant future.

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