Sunday, June 16, 2024

“Give me your tired, your poor, your fathers..."

So, when I was a little kid, I played with this other little kid a couple times, and then one time, when I was an adult, he came down to my apartment and he was wearing, like, this mask, as if he was one of the carpenters doing  renovations there or something, and just before he left, he turned to glance my way, as if to say:

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...”

Or, wait, maybe it was that other guy...


Are you 100% positive that you guys aren't going to be traumatized by the patriarchy and seeking out all the alternative health remedies in order to just, like, function and get through another day in your next lifetime. Are you? Are you sure, are you really sure, are you absolutely, completely, 100% completely positive.


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