Sunday, March 24, 2024

More sharing is caring, ha ha.

Cuz, like, in the past, when I went there, and I had to wait, I mean, when I had this other health insurance, they didn't see me right away. So I went to the bathroom, and then I just drank a whole bunch of water to try to make up for it and then waited a little, and then they were able to do the procedure with the amount that I drank even though it wasn't according to what their instructions were. So when I go tomorrow, I think I'm going to have my little Johns Hopkins article with me and I'm going to ask them, Are we doing one or two types of ultrasounds today? And am I supposed to empty the bladder if I have a wand inside of me? Because if so, I really think I would appreciate having the opportunity to do that.

"How do I prepare for a pelvic ultrasound?

EAT/DRINK : Drink a minimum of 24 ounces of clear fluid at least one hour before your appointment. Do not empty your bladder until after the exam.

Generally, no fasting or sedation is required for a pelvic ultrasound, unless the ultrasound is part of another procedure that requires anesthesia.

For a transvaginal ultrasound, you should empty your bladder right before the procedure."

"Pelvic Ultrasound" | Johns Hopkins Medicine,bladder%20right%20before%20the%20procedure.

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