Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Such later in life growing pains!

"When I was a teenager, I basically had no idea who I was. I followed the rules. I didn’t experience a lot of pain, but I didn’t experience a lot of growth, either, and my life was generally pretty lame. Not until my early 20s, when I took risks, quit jobs, crashed cars, and had thrilling, irresponsible, doomed relationships, did I scratch my way, sloppily, to the adult life I want."

~ Liz Weil

"Raising a Teenage Daughter* — The California Sunday Magazine"

lizweil on Twitter: "You can say cancel culture isn’t real or whatever. But love teenagers & we adults are failing them — to keep them safe, to protect their futures, to teach them compassion, to give them faith that they & their peers can grow. This is their primal scream." / Twitter

leave no one behind on Twitter: "@NYMag @lizweil So girls create a list because the system does not protect them from sexual assault and the issue is how can the system fight girls protecting themselves?" / Twitter

Jessica Valenti on Twitter: "Honestly I'm just so over people who write the most basic-ass takes and frame them as brave truth-telling. There is nothing fucking new about defending boys who do horrible shit! That is America's whole thing!" / Twitter

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